
Tuesday, 21 May 2013



  • Rehabilitation, modernization and optimization of 3000 TCD Chemelil Sugar Co. with co-generation of surplus power for export.
  • Feasibility report for setting up a   4000 TCD Sugar plant at Busia/Siaya Feasibility report for small scale vacuum pan (SSVP) sugar factories.
  •  Feasibility report at Komola Cane  Sugar Growers Co-op.  Society Ltd.
  •  Feasibility report at Meho Sugar Co. Kakamega.
  •  Detailed Engineering services for Butali Sugar Mills ltd.
  •  Preparation of detailed engineering report and documents for Kwale sugar project.
  •  Installation of cane preparation device at Nzoia Sugar Co.Nzoia  i.e Chopper, Fibrizor to achieve best performance of Mill & also installation of Air Pre heater for  best combustion and improving Bagasse Fuel ratio.

Thursday, 16 May 2013



1.  MOROCCO :-  Detailed engineering services for installation of energy economy and capacity optimization equipment in three cane sugar factories, SUCRAL, SURAC,  & SUNACAS.
 Wonji Shoa:- 
  •  Rehabilitation, optimization and expansion study for Wonji Shoa Sugar Estates involving.
  • Optimization of agronomy and increasing Sugar cane production of existing plantation area from 600,000 tonne to  750,000 tonne.
  • Upgradation of factory capacity with modernization of technology.
  • Financial evaluation of investment requirements based on international norms.
  • Technical process and energy audit of Metahara Sugar Factory for a capacity of 5000 TCD and report on potential of Cogeneration of power.
  • Technical services for rehabilitation of steam generation and sugar process house for Shoa sugar factory.
Wonji - Shoa New Sugar Project:-
  • Turnkey consultancy for Establishing a complete new sugar factory of 12500 TCD 
  • Cogeneration of 60 MW power generation.
Tendaho Sugar Factory Project:-
  • Turnkey consultancy services for green field project of 26000 TCD capacity with 110 MW cogeneration.
  • Detailed engineering services for inception report to commissioning and performance testing.
  • Finalising plant specifications with modern technology.
  • Financial evaluation of investment requirements based on international norms.
Finchaa Sugar Factory:-
  • Expansion of existing sugar factory from 4500 TCD to 12000 TCD and cogeneration of 34 MW.
  • Detail Engineering Documents.
  • Bid evaluation.
  • Project Management services.
 Metahara Sugar Factory:-
  • Expansion of existing sugar factory from 4500 TCD to 15000 TCD in two phases and cogeneration of 50 MW phasewise.
  • Detailed project report.
  • Detail Engineering Documents.
  • Bid evaluation.
  • Project Management services.
  • The project is ongoing assignment.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013



J P Mukherji & Associates Pvt. Ltd. (INDIA)



1.  Milling System Improvements :-

AC-VFD drives with planetary gearbox system, top cap modification, Donnelly chute. streamlining of cane preparation system at various factories.
 Installation - More than 25 projects.

2.  Pressure Feeders :-

Force feeding devices for the mills designed and modified to suit typical Indian conditions to give a good feed ability, thereby increasing capacity
 and efficiency of existing cane crushing units. Design adopted from Australia.
 2 types of feeders:
 - Grooved roller pressure feeders (GRPF) - Toothed roller pressure feeders (TRPF) Installed units : 65.

 3.  Cane - Fibrizor :-

Heavy duty swing hammer fibrizor designed to furnish 85-90% PI. The design was pioneered by JPMA
 Installed units : 44

4.  Semi Kestners :-

Long tube rising film (LTRF) evaporators matched with proper system engineering to reduce steam consumption by the evaporator station.
 In house development.
 Installed units : More than 40

5.  Vacuum Pans : (with or without Mechanical Circulators) :-

Rapid boiling high exhaustion and low graining volume vacuum pans for improved capacity and efficiency. In house development.
 Installed units : More than 45

6.  Continuous Vertical Crystallizers :-

Continuous Vertical Crystallizers - Designed for optimized treatment of low grade massecuites to achieve maximum exhaustion.
 Installed units : More than 60

7.  Continuous Sulphur Burners :-

To provide a continous and steady concentration of Sulphur Dioxide gas to the process; thereby ensuring improved juice clarification.
 In house development.
 Installed units : More than 15

8.  Rain Tray Condensers :-

Counter-current, direct contact barometric condenser, requires less pumping head, less water consumption, lower approach temperature difference,
 substantial reduction in power demant at the condensing station. In house development.
 Installed units :More than 110

9.  Water jet air extractors for condensers :-

Improved design to remove air and non-condensable gases from condensers. System and equipment are simple and effective, without moving parts,
 needing no maintenance. An energy saving unit developed in house R & D
 Installed units : More than 150

10.  Continuous Juice Sulphiters :-

Designed to give better clarification of cane juice by incorporating any of the pre-liming, pre-sulphitation and simultaneous liming and sulphitation
 process as necessary, facilitating the sulphitation process with ease and precision.
 Installed units : 22

11.  Electronic juice weighing scale :-

Automatic electronic batching system for weighment of cane juice. Designed on the concept of Load cells the weighing scale is more accurate,
 reliable and efficient. Calibration is easy and needs very little maintenance.
 Installed units :2

12.  Direct Contact Juice Heaters :-

Direct Contact type juice heater for better steam economy, best approach temperature and no maintenance.
 Installations : 5 units

13.  Clarifier Juice Coil Modifications :-

Modification in clarifier juice withdrawal coils to enhance juice clarification and increase in capacity.
 Installations : 4 units

14.  Mechanical Circulator For Batch Pans :-

Mechanical circulator in batch pans gives better exhaustion and capacity. Maintain uniform pan boiling and crystal formations.

Installations : 24 units

Mechanical Circulator for Batch Pan

SERVICES - New Product Development


Technology innovation - JPMA Mill Coupling :-

Transmits torque from gear to mill. A cost effective alternative to mill tail bar and square coupling.

Salient Features:

  1. Improved technology for torque transmission.
  2. Accommodates misalignments.
  3. Reduces torque and power consumption of the mill.
  4. Improves extraction performance of the mill.
  5. Less space required for installation.
  6. Negligible maintenance.


SERVICES - Factory Operation & Maintenance

  1. Advisory services on factory operations & maintenance and trouble shooting
  2. Design and implementation of instrumentation and control systems
  3. Plant rehabilitation and modernization
  4. Process optimization
  5. Problem analysis and amelioration